1.) TCCI- 1989~1991 (1st)
The TCCI 1st Chamber’s General Conference and Election of President.
2.) 頒授第一屆會長 簡宇立(再金)
Awarded the first president Mr. Philip Chien.
3.) 劉達人大使蒞臨指導
Ambassador Liu Da-Ren came to guide.
4.) 返國拜會入出境管理局長
To Taiwan to visit the Secretary of Bureau of Immigration.
5.) 返國拜會僑務委員會曾委員長
To Taiwan to visit Chairman Cheng of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee.
6.) 組團返國記者會
Press conference for the TCCI Directors to Taiwan.
7.) 1990
邀請移民局長Atty. Santiago至台灣訪問
Inviting the Commissioner of Immigration Atty. Santiago Visit to Taiwan.
8-9.) 本會舉辦 ”勞工實務講習會 ”
TCCI hold Labor Code Seminar on Mar-31-1990
10.) 捐贈冷氣予軍醫院
Donated Air-Conditioning to Military Hospital